April Real Estate Update

April Real Estate Update

  • Miro Fitkova
  • 04/1/24


Here is a link to my "April Real Estate Update:" https://realtytimes.com/cm/miroslavafitkova

This Newsletter is full of interesting and useful information that I think you will enjoy whether you are a buyer, seller, or homeowner.

This month's issue includes topics such as: 

Are There Tax Advantages of Buying a Home? 
Inspection vs. Appraisal: How Do They Compare? 
What Are Cash Reserves and Why Do You Need Them? 
How To Choose The Best Refi: It’s Not Just About The Rates

Plus, a roundup of March real estate activity as well as much more advice and information.

I hope you enjoy this monthly newsletter. 

If you have any comments, please e-mail them to me. Or, if you would like to see a certain topic covered in future months, let me know that too!

Click link for Annual Report on the MLS PIN Housing Market Annual Report on the MLS PIN Housing Market



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